[Solved]Call sdkbox.PluginAdMob.init() crash in android

someone help me!

i’m import plugin admob in project but when call sdkbox.PluginAdMob.init() crash in android, ios is good.

i’m use cocos2d-x js v3.13

thanks all!

plz post the crash log.

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and AppDelegate.cpp:
#include “PluginAdMobJS.hpp”
#include “PluginAdMobJSHelper.h”

and call init plugin admob in main.js:

help me plz!

whole logcat message plz.

I was showed all message in logcat. The sdkbox.PluginAdmob.init() was called in main.js so not much message.

I can not figure out whats happen.
em, you can:

  1. adb logcat > crash.txt
  2. click app on device
  3. command + c abort adb logcat command after app crash, then attach the crash.txt file in the forum.

surprise! I don’t fix anything in project but today my project is good and show admob ok

No no no, computer never lie.
There must be some reason.

But now, my project not crash so it haven’t bug message