[SOLDEV] Perspective in new project

I’ve just created a new project (cocos2d-js-3.17). I’ve created a square grid of sprites. But it is not rectangular! It looks like it has a perspective. Here is a code:

  var x = 100, y = 0
  for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
    var letter = new cc.Sprite('res/Fixedsys.png')
    letter.attr({anchorX: 0, anchorY: 0})
    letter.setPosition(x, y)

    x += 10
    if (x > 900) {
      x = 100
      y += 10

target.addChild(letter, 0)

Could you please advise how to get rid of this perspective? Here is what I see:

UPDATE. I’ve added 10000 sprites at position 100,100. All sprites are in one position. But… as you can see, they are displayed with a shift. It is very strange…

I dont use cocos2d-js.

Maybe you have just to check if you changed something with the Parent “target”. Something like setSkew or SkewTo etc.

or maybe Rotation3D values are changed.

Or just check if this still happens, when you add the grid to an other parent.

It is crazy, but the solution is to set property “vertexZ” to 0 for ALL sprites. This allows having sprites in the right position.