Socket io cannot connect on Android

Hello Everyone.

i have problem with socket io. It can connect on the browser but when I build the game on Android it can’t connect and crashes my app.

i haven’t tried it on IOS but i think it gives the same error.

Cocos Creator Version: 3.3.2
Socket IO Client Version: 4.4.0


I also tried to find out the reason, it seems that the reason is because Native already has SocketIO but the solutions did not work.

Thanks for reading.

I would be happy to ask engineering to provide help on this topic.

Unfortunately, Creator does not provide official support on the Web platform, requires users to add them themselves to the project. And the of the native platform is discarded. Previously the for the native platform was implemented by a third-party developer and has not been maintained for a long time. So it is not recommended to use.