SdkBoxAds weighted placement confusion

I have 4 ads units configured in a placement, and weighted like so:

AdColony: 35%
AdMob: 35%
Chartboost (static): 15%
Chartboost (video): 15%

However when I run my game I get 1 AdColony ad displayed first, and then every single ad after that is AdMob (from the level_interstitials placement in my configuration below). In order to try and track down what’s going wrong, I created another placement called level_interstitials_round_robin with just Chartboost ads. This time, it displayed a chartboost video first, and then every time after that static ads only.

I’m guessing something is wrong with my configuration, but I’ve reached the point where I’m out of guesses as to what could possibly be wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Below the sdkbox ads part of my sdkbox configuration. Also, I use live ops, this is in debug mode, and I’m displaying ads with a call to sdkbox::PluginSdkboxAds::placement().

"AdColony" : {
    "enabled" : true,
    "debug" : true,
    "id" : "<ad_colony_id>",
    "ads" : {
        "level_interstitial" : {
            "zone" : "<ad_colony_zone>",
            "v4vc" : false,
            "pre_popup" : false,
            "post_popup" : false
"Chartboost" : {
    "enabled" : true,
    "id" : "<chartboost_id>",
    "signature" : "<chartboost_signature>",
    "ads" : {
        "default_static" : {
            "type" : "interstitial"
        "default_video" : {
            "type" : "interstitial"
"AdMob" : {
    "enabled" : true,
    "test" : true,
    "ads" : {
        "level_interstitial" : {
            "id" : "<ad_mob_id>",
            "type" : "interstitial",
            "is_designed_for_families" : false
"SdkboxAds" : {
    "enabled" : true,
    "units" : [
    "placements" : [
            "id" : "level_interstitial",
            "units" : [
                    "unit" : "AdColony",
                    "name" : "level_interstitial",
                    "weight" : 35
                    "unit" : "AdMob",
                    "name" : "level_interstitial",
                    "weight" : 35
                    "unit" : "Chartboost",
                    "name" : "default_static",
                    "weight" : 15
                    "unit" : "Chartboost",
                    "name" : "default_video",
                    "weight" : 15
            "strategy" : "weight"
            "id" : "level_interstitial_round_robin",
            "units" : [
                    "unit" : "Chartboost",
                    "name" : "default_video",
                    "weight" : 50
                    "unit" : "Chartboost",
                    "name" : "default_static",
                    "weight" : 50
            "strategy" : "weight"

checking with this.

I fixed it, there was a configuration error on my end. Honestly, I can’t remember exactly what it was but I’ll mark this as solved. Thanks!

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