Sdkbox not installing in cocos creator

Hi, I have been trying to launch SDKBOX in Cocos Creator for long time. Still didnt succeeded. Its opening a dialogue box with a message install SDKBox Installer failed Please tell us at (
Please anyone have any suggestion what am I doing wrong. Thanks :slight_smile:

same here

which cocos creator version do you use?

Cocos creator 2.1

can you visit ?

nope. it tries to download a file

pls delete “~/.sdxbox” folder and try again

Sorry for late reply. I am using cocos 2.0.5.

where is it?im using windows

Its in installation folder.

I have deleted the sdkbox from folder but now I am not able to find the sdkbox for creator in extension store

same here :confused:

window system is at the path C:/Users/XXXX/

there is no folder .sdxbox in that route

so is there any solution to this?

Launch the developer tools on the SDKBOX GUI

by Ctrl + Atl + I and let’s see what went wrong.

rendererloading.js:30 You are currently using minified code outside of NODE_ENV === ‘production’. This means that you are running a slower development build of Redux. You can use loose-envify (GitHub - zertosh/loose-envify: Like envify but much faster) for browserify or DefinePlugin for webpack (javascript - Passing environment-dependent variables in webpack - Stack Overflow) to ensure you have the correct code for your production build.
n @ rendererloading.js:30
rendererloading.js:10 Warning: Unsupported style property flex-direction. Did you mean flexDirection? Check the render method of t.
e @ rendererloading.js:10
rendererloading.js:10 Warning: Unsupported style property align-items. Did you mean alignItems? Check the render method of t.
e @ rendererloading.js:10
rendererloading.js:10 Warning: Unsupported style property justify-content. Did you mean justifyContent? Check the render method of t.
e @ rendererloading.js:10
rendererloading.js:5 [CLI] spawn (undefined): python -c import urllib; s = urllib.urlopen(‘’).read(); exec s

are you use python3?

latest version and tried with 2.7.15

run this in your console,

python -c import urllib; s = urllib.urlopen(‘’).read(); exec s