SDKBox Ads issue

@htlxyz Cool! so how can we get this?

sdkbox import sdkboxadsplus
``` ?

you can test with staging.

sdkbox import xxx --staging

Is the fix in

sdkbox import sdkboxadsplus --staging

@htlxyz can you please tell us which packages we should import???

sdkbox update --staging

will update all plugins with staging version.

adboost is contained in sdkbox-core, admob, sdkbox-ads.

Thank you! @yinjimmy when do you plan to move it out of staging to production?

We are seeing these errors when will it be available?

@yinjimmy we tried update below and seeing issues with iOS with Undefined symbol.

sdkbox update --staging

Showing Recent Messages
Undefined symbol: _GADCurrentOrientationAnchoredAdaptiveBannerAdSizeWithWidth

GADCurrentOrientationAnchoredAdaptiveBannerAdSizeWithWidth is defined in GoogleMobileAds.framework, are your proejct include this framework?


how about this:

git clone
run sdkbox update --staging
check if can compile success.