Sdkbox admob rewarded ads does not show

i use cocos2dx 3.17
sdkbox . v1.0.3.1
admob v2.5.0.0
when i use this code to show video ads

in android video ads do not show and also do not show any error log also what is the problem can you please check it . @yinjimmy
i use test ads and test device id .

@slackmoehrle can you please help on this ?

What other steps are you doing?

in my other all game if i run this code
it show ads but in one game it does not show rewarded and also not show error also

I can not reproduce your issue.

whats the difference ?

check your sdkbox json file, are you running sdkbox::PluginAdMob::init()

yes i run
banner and interstitial are working but rewarded ads are not working.

I can share my source code to you on skype @yinjimmy

yes, plz share the test project.

please check your skype @yinjimmy

sorry guy, I can not cache the rewarded video .

what i have to do ?

I have no idea, I used the google admob test id