Sdkbox + admob not getting any revenue

So i have some apps and even the orst have some cents of revenue. mostly using unity.
I have created my first game for mobile and implemented admob sdkbox.
so i have this results and 0 for all days the app is live

so i have 2 hypothesis
1- The game is shit. 14.000 impresions and none entered
2- there is a problem with admob implementation.

But inapp purchases are working because i have reports of people are buying inapps .( i used sdkbox for inapp so great!)
And something strange is that apple takes a lot of time to review because it could have malicius code ( they dont say much about it )

what could it be?

plz check admob ad id with your sdkbox_config.json.

It match.i can see the ads when i play

i just checked

New ideas?

few requests and impr, whats your ad logic ? do you cache again when admob cache failed ?

where should i do that?
adViewDidFailToReceiveAdWithError callback?

    virtual void adViewDidFailToReceiveAdWithError(const std::string &name, const std::string &msg) {
        float delay = 6; // seconds
        cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->getScheduler()->schedule([name](float) {
            cocos2d::log("cache %s again", name.c_str());
        }, this, 0, 0, delay, false, "once");

Im using cocs creator but i implemented the same we have the updated version and there is no changes

have your game user update the game ?
how to you confirm no changes??