SDKBox - 2.3.17

2.3.17 Release Notes

Feature Highlights


1 Like

Nice job, guys! Thanks for keeping all the SDKs working.

Does Appodeal sdkbox plugin use Appodeal sdk 2?

1 Like

not yeah. we are working with Appodeal about the version 2.0.

Thanks for your answer.
Will you support appodeal 2.* in the near future?

yes, we’re solving the 65536 java API limit.

Thanks, how much time it will take? small release, Release Notes (20171124)


  • AdMob upgrade to GoogleMobileAdsSdkiOS-7.26.0, support iPhone X
  • iOS suport Promotion IAP
  • Installer support 3.16 and Cocos Creator 1.6.2


  • Fix receiptCipheredPayload always null on unity
  • Fix IAP price encoding
  • Fix IAP clean iOS system clipboard
  • Fix SDKBoxPlay fetch auth code

sdkbox import xx -s main to try.

when ill support Cocos Creator 1.7.0?
thanks you

When creator stable release 1.7.0, not alpha, beta, RC.

1 Like

Got it , thanks bro

@RazgrizHsu , is on staging now

sdkbox update --staging to try

1 Like include appodeal 2 iOS sdk.

sdkbox update --staging

Can’t find new version at link, still version

Hello, could someone please fix my (obsolete) “foundation stones” knowledge:

  1. What is the best way for sharing my Android app? (I think it’s GooglePlay and Facebook; anything else?)
  2. To share my Android Cocos2d-x app in Facebook I should use facebook sdkbox plugin?
  3. So, Facebook GameRoom plugin is for sharing (and some others features (in future)) of win32 projects (games)?
  4. What is another best way for sharing your win32 game? (Steam, anything else?)

Is appodeal v2 android also on the way? When will it come out to the main production?
I talked with appodeal guys and they said sdkbox guys are working/responding very slowly to integrate appodeal v2 in sdkbox update :frowning: .
Waiting for the update. release (20171208).

  1. Fix JS binding for cocos creator 1.7
  2. Add requestAllAds api for AdColony
  3. Upgrade Appodeal iOS SDK to 2.1.7

For Appodeal Android SDK, will release next week.

Update or import with -s main

sdkbox import admob -s main



I have an SIGSEGV issue with Cocos Creator 1.7 and IAP plugin

12-08 18:01:22.362 30322 30343 E jswrapper: [FATAL ERROR] location: v8::HandleScope::CreateHandle(), message: Cannot create a handle without a HandleScope
12-08 18:01:22.371 30322 30343 F libc    : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x0 in tid 30343 (GLThread 8233)
12-08 18:01:22.372   489   489 W         : debuggerd: handling request: pid=30322 uid=10213 gid=10213 tid=30343
12-08 18:01:22.587 32439 32439 F DEBUG   : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
12-08 18:01:22.587 32439 32439 F DEBUG   : Build fingerprint: 'HONOR/DLI-TL20/HWDLI-Q:7.0/HONORDLI-TL20/C10B108:user/release-keys'
12-08 18:01:22.587 32439 32439 F DEBUG   : Revision: '0'
12-08 18:01:22.587 32439 32439 F DEBUG   : ABI: 'arm'
12-08 18:01:22.587 32439 32439 F DEBUG   : pid: 30322, tid: 30343, name: GLThread 8233  >>> org.xored.mdolls <<<
12-08 18:01:22.587 32439 32439 F DEBUG   : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0
12-08 18:01:22.587 32439 32439 F DEBUG   :     r0 00000000  r1 00000000  r2 00000004  r3 00003899
12-08 18:01:22.587 32439 32439 F DEBUG   :     r4 85f21580  r5 4c9866a5  r6 85f21580  r7 00000000
12-08 18:01:22.587 32439 32439 F DEBUG   :     r8 00000000  r9 a53feadc  sl a53feb70  fp a53fe9b4
12-08 18:01:22.587 32439 32439 F DEBUG   :     ip ad73b940  sp a53fe908  lr ad719eff  pc 8fdbf9b8  cpsr 000f0030
12-08 18:01:22.602 32439 32439 F DEBUG   : 
12-08 18:01:22.602 32439 32439 F DEBUG   : backtrace:
12-08 18:01:22.602 32439 32439 F DEBUG   :     #00 pc 00e579b8  /data/app/org.xored.mdolls-1/lib/arm/
12-08 18:01:22.602 32439 32439 F DEBUG   :     #01 pc 00e57bcd  /data/app/org.xored.mdolls-1/lib/arm/
12-08 18:01:22.602 32439 32439 F DEBUG   :     #02 pc 00cf06ab  /data/app/org.xored.mdolls-1/lib/arm/
12-08 18:01:22.602 32439 32439 F DEBUG   :     #03 pc 008a1270  /data/app/org.xored.mdolls-1/lib/arm/ (_ZN2se6Object17createArrayObjectEj+64)
12-08 18:01:22.602 32439 32439 F DEBUG   :     #04 pc 00c67de4  /data/app/org.xored.mdolls-1/lib/arm/ (_Z22ccvaluevector_to_sevalRKSt6vectorIN7cocos2d5ValueESaIS1_EEPN2se5ValueE+112)
12-08 18:01:22.602 32439 32439 F DEBUG   :     #05 pc 007a80e8  /data/app/org.xored.mdolls-1/lib/arm/ (_Z15products_to_objRKSt6vectorIN6sdkbox7ProductESaIS1_EE+292)
12-08 18:01:22.602 32439 32439 F DEBUG   :     #06 pc 007a8848  /data/app/org.xored.mdolls-1/lib/arm/ (_ZN13IAPListenerJS23onProductRequestSuccessERKSt6vectorIN6sdkbox7ProductESaIS2_EE+68)
12-08 18:01:22.603 32439 32439 F DEBUG   :     #07 pc 007b26e3  /data/app/org.xored.mdolls-1/lib/arm/ (_ZN6sdkbox17IAPWrapperEnabled22onProductRequestResultENS_18ProductRequestCodeEPKcS3_+122)
12-08 18:01:22.603 32439 32439 F DEBUG   :     #08 pc 007b0a2b  /data/app/org.xored.mdolls-1/lib/arm/ (Java_com_sdkbox_plugin_IAPWrapper_nativeOnRequestResult+74)
12-08 18:01:22.603 32439 32439 F DEBUG   :     #09 pc 004a0adb  /data/app/org.xored.mdolls-1/oat/arm/base.odex (offset 0x483000)

May you give me any advice on how i should fix it?

so sorry for this crash, I’m debuging on this.


    void onProductRequestFailure(const std::string& msg) {

/// >>>>> ADD <<<<<<
        se::AutoHandleScope hs;
/// >>>>> ADD <<<<<<
        se::ValueArray args;
        invokeJSFun(__FUNCTION__, args);

Other functions should add there two lines too.

We’ll make a release ASAP.

1 Like released for cocos creator 1.7 JS binding .

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