SDKBOX 2.3.12 Release Admob Reward video

On android rewarded video not work “adViewDidFailToReceiveAdWithError name=rewarded msg=ERROR_CODE_NO_FILL”

“ERROR_CODE_NO_FILL” this error means there is not enough ads in your region at the moment, maybe turn on testing ads or try it later.

hi sushant,

Thank u for replying.

I’m using the same id that is in sample project. I’m getting the reward video.But when i close the video I’m not getting any logs that i have given in reward function …which means the reward function is not been called.

Can someone help me??
All other functions in the listener are been called except the reward function. What am i supposed to do?? Do i have to add anything in addition ??

Is here any video ? Or just pictures ?

I am getting the video…But when I close after watching it fully… I am not getting any logs that i have given in reward function.

no reward callback on iOS simulator (works before) , but works on device

2017-05-10 00:10:03.444 admob iOS[212:6199] CFNetwork SSLHandshake failed (-9806)
2017-05-10 00:10:03.494 admob iOS[212:6199] CFNetwork SSLHandshake failed (-9806)
2017-05-10 00:10:03.661 admob iOS[212:6199] CFNetwork SSLHandshake failed (-9802)
2017-05-10 00:10:18.416 admob iOS[212:6287] NSURLSession/NSURLConnection HTTP load failed (kCFStreamErrorDomainSSL, -9843)
2017-05-10 00:10:58.987 admob iOS[212:6034] Received memory warning.
2017-05-10 00:11:01.451 admob iOS[212:6034] Received memory warning.
reward:rewarded, currency=reward, amount=1.0
2017-05-10 00:11:42.659 admob iOS[212:6034] Received memory warning.


Thank you…
will check in device and let you know.


this is the log which i am getting

adViewDidReceiveAd name=rewarded
adViewWillPresentScreen name=rewarded
2017-05-12 15:29:05.536887+0530 test-mobile[525:53459] <Google:HTML> You 
are currently using version 7.18.0 of the SDK. Please consider updating your SDK to the most 
recent SDK version to get the latest features and bug fixes. The latest SDK can be downloaded f 
rom A full list of release notes is available at

you can get the latest admob sdk from, and put it in proj.ios folder,
then test it again.


I downloaded admob sdk from the above link and I tested it again. The error log saying “to update admob sdk” has been fixed.But still reward callback is not been called.

Can i know in which device did u test??
I am testing it in iphone 6

I’m testing with iPhone 4s

I got the callback in iPhone 6s

reward:rewarded, currency=reward, amount=1.0

@monisha: I have same issue like you, did you resolve it? Tested on iPhone 4s.
It run on Android well, but iOS didn’t call Admob listeners implemented.

I test it on iOS simulator , but the “reward” function was not called!

Please test on device .

I test it on iPad mini 1 which is iOS 9.3.5 just now, but no luck. The “reward” function was still not called ! But the other callbacks work.
some logs as:
cocos2d: AdMobListener fun=adViewWillPresentScreen name=rewardAD
cocos2d: AdMobListener fun=adViewDidReceiveAd name=rewardAD

Could you please help to test the cpp-sample ?

which language do you use, cpp, JS or Lua?

cpp. ok , i will try.

The cpp-sample of admob work fine to callback rewad. It base on admob iOS 7.18.0, my project base on 7.21.0.
I will check if this reason cause.

Thanks, what about the result?