Score table with Cocos


in the app we’re developing our customer wants to show a ranking with all the participants (about 500 people, is something for local schools here).
I’m searching a way to populate this amount of data, I’ve found things like this:

But the example only show three items. We need to show hundreds of score records, but the app freezes while populating it (it’s instantiating hundred of prefabs) and the scrollview later it’s too slow.

Is there something as UITableView in iOS or ListView in Android were only the cells on screen are instantiated and the only thing to do is reuse cells when you scroll the list?


You can refer to the test case ListView inside

Core logic is in list-view-ctrl.ts

It reuses items and only show visible content



I’ve downloaded the repo and seems to be what I need. I’ll tell if I can do it without problems.