Scaling issue in EditBox after updating cocos creator 1.8.2 to 2.4.0

Hi, @slackmoehrle @zzf_Cocos I get a new problem regarding EditBox, When a node is scaled its EditBox edit field moves outside of the box, this issue is in Windows and Mac Build not in Android/iOS and Web build. Please help.

===== Before Scaling====

======After Scaling========
Screenshot 2020-12-29 at 11.29.47 AM

I use the widget also but it is not working. If this happens in my game then I have to rollback my project to 1.8.2. Please provide a solution in which Cocos Creator version I have to upgrade my project or how to solve this problem.

try this temporary method, it’s for Cocos Creator v2.4.0

if (cc.sys.platform === cc.sys.WIN32 || cc.sys.platform === cc.sys.MACOS) {
  node.on('scale-changed', () => {
      let { x, y, width, height } = editboxComponent._impl._getRect();
      jsb.inputBox.updateRect(x, y, width, height);