Renaming or moving the folder name causes a lot of errors

Hello everybody!
When I rename or move the folder I get a lot of errors.
Has anyone experienced this and is there a way to be able to rename or move the folder without error?
I use Cocos Creator v3.4.0.

Please do not rename and move in Cocos editor, if you rename outside of the internal file system, it will lose track of it. e.g. a component is referenced by the script’s uuid, if you modify its name outside the editor, the editor will consider the older one being deleted and a new script added, it will generate new uuid for it

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Hi, bro!
if you want to rename or move a file/folder of your project.
please make sure to doooooooooo the operation in Cocos Creator editor.
Cocos Creator is using uuids to manage the reference between nodes/prefabs and assets.
if you rename or move assets in the editor, Cocos Creator will automatically handle it and without changing any of the uuids.
because there is no change with uuids, so everything will be fine.

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