Realtime gaming

I am trying to build a simple 2 player realtime fighting game. I’ve done projects using Cocos2d-x before but not done any network programming. What I would like to know is that should I start learning BSD sockets or is there any wrapper like AsyncSocket in iOS which does some abstraction? Anyone with experience in multiplayer gaming can please point me to a tutorial or starting steps that would be fantastic! thank you.

I’ve been working on a real time game and using AppWarp for doing the communication. Its fairly easy as you don’t have to do any socket programming. You can view their Ninja Fight demo tutorial which is similar to what I think you are looking for.
Here is a link to their documentation.

Rajeev Ranjan wrote:

I’ve been working on a real time game and using AppWarp for doing the communication. Its fairly easy as you don’t have to do any socket programming. You can view their Ninja Fight demo tutorial which is similar to what I think you are looking for.
Here is a link to their documentation.

@Rajeev, I’ve used AppWarp before - didn’t know that they have released Cocos2d-x SDK too. This is great then! Just tried out the tutorial and it works well :slight_smile:

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@rajeev_etc @gatsby
Have either of you guys used/compared AppWarp to NextPeer?
I am also starting out with making a real-time multiplayer game using Cocos2d-x JavaScript.
I’m trying to see which one I should go with.
