[Real Time Node Tree、DrawCall Analysis] Cocos Inspector Plugin


Cocos Inspector is a plugin of CocosCreator, support v2.x and v3.x, it has a stand-alone electron window, not a browser extension;

Key Features

it supports realtime node tree display and control, and drawcall num show of almost every node, and show & edit beautiful components detail of selected node

directly choose 2d & 3d node by hover node in scene, if hover mode is openning;

and supports break on node events by node tree context menu;
or disable auto update of partial node at there.


because there is too many useful features in the version history of plugin page

so, i will not show all features in this post, if u have any question, can reply this post.

if u know chinese, u can get more information of chinese forum:

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this version for ccc3.x

  1. support show children count in node tree;
  2. improve Show DevTool in Tab mode,no need to change setting more;


  1. support dragging resolution for ccc3.x
  2. fix bug: locate wrong after modified resolution

Plugin Page

today u commented a error;
what happened? could u tell me the detail?

The error I mentioned is the store’s fault, not yours. When i download from store, api download return error:

Access Denied

this error save as zip file, and i can not install

@thaihoangduylinh Ask discuss/fourm manager, they know how to do;

today has a user also cannot download, the zip always is 0kb;

fourm manager or cocos store office told him download from plugin webpage, and then call cocos dashboard client to finish it;

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Important Feature:
support mini mode

latest version


v1.0.6 this version for ccc2.x

today i change to mac studio,setup a Windows vitural machine to improve the Extension :wink: on windows

  1. :wrench: fix size problem of Electron on Windows(especially in mini mode)

Mini Mode Gif


Windows latest ScreenShot

屏幕截图 2022-06-24 034815

Validate Server updated already!!;
English/USD order user can validate order number now. :wink: :heart: :heart:

I need to test switch tab on browser (game_on_hide and game_on_show event) but can’t do this on plugin. If the plugin has more functions to test this, it will be better

Just minimize the plugin window and then activate it;
the show event will trigger;

Ps:If you use the Stage Manager of macOS, you need to turn it off first

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