[Question] Control Prefab with plugins

Hello Cocos team,
I have two questions related this documentation (https://docs.cocos2d-x.org/creator/manual/en/getting-started/faq.html#how-to-control-prefab-with-plugins).

  1. How can I know enter-prefab-edit-mode is done? I tried to use callback function, but the callback doesn’t seem to be called.
    Editor.Ipc.sendToPanel(‘scene’, ‘scene:enter-prefab-edit-mode’, ‘70d3a81e-af79-4f28-93b6-59ba6f2bef80’, () => { Editor.error(‘done’) });

  2. Is there an IPC message for exit-prefab-edit-mode or something similar?


Hello team,

Do you have any chance to look my question?
Please let me know if you have any updates.
