Problem with swallow touch after add eventlistener to self's eventdispatcher

Hi everyone.
I am absolutely new in cocos2d-x game development in lua
I faced in a serious problem with tapping a button
This is sth like an ok button in a dialog
After digging, i found useful source, to do addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority, to current dialog(this is from layer…)
i registered 3 or 4 callback functions to the listener, for touchbegan, touchmove, touchend, touchcancel
This swallows touch, so, when this dialog box pops up, other touch is swalloed
In the callback for touchbegan, i returned false, because, for ok button, a callback event listener is added, to be called when ok button is tapped.
In the successful situation i could see after callback for touchbegan return false, callback for ok button is called.
But after several times, even callback for touchbegan returns false, callback for ok button is not called
I think, some other listener swallows touch.
But Even i set breakpoints to all touchbegan callbacks, i couldn’t get where the touch is swallowed.
I wonder if there is someone who knows which swallows touch for ok button

Is there a callback which swallows touch in cocos2d-x engine?
How can i check which callback is called after calling the first callback?

I use cocos2d-x 3.14