Problem with 3.5 and 3.4

Hi all, i am knew to Cocos, i am learning but i am not able to find any latest video on 3.5, most of the videos are from 3.0.1 and 2.X and there are so many changes now in 3.5, for example like
cc.systemEvent is now Input.ElemetType and others as well, so can anyone help me to find some latest course or youtube video where i can go through exampe of 3.5 version.


It’s quite hard to find information in one place but try here:

And then here for some tutorials:

Past that your best bet is to look at the docs (make sure it’s set to 3.5) and look around or ask on the forums.


Thankyou for your help, but i am very knew to cocos,so it will be very helpful if u can suggest me any 2d course with 3.4 or 3.5 version with typescript.

which kind of courses do you prefer? articles or videos?
and which form of courses do you like best? knowledges for basic usage or tutorials about how to make games?

Hi Bro,

i would prefer videos over article.
and beside knowledge basis and tutorial of a game i will prefer both of them either separate or combine, i am ok with it.

Hi, bro, Thanks for your reply.
I am planning to prepare some videos and articles for beginners. but it will take time.
If you want to learn something recently, please check the official documents first.
Feel free to post in the forum when you meet any problems.

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