problem on collision detection when node have speed

hi every body
I make math3 game and I found new bug with collision the bug you can see bug on video

and my code on teleport part is :

    onCollisionEnter(other:cc.Collider , self){
        if ( == "origin" ) {
            //  send cube 


    private sendCube(other : cc.Node){


        let desNodeComp = this.desNode.getComponent(Teleport)

        let startPosition = this.desNode.getPosition()

        let otherComp = other.getComponent(cubeController);

        var pos = new cc.Vec2( other.position.x, (this.startNodeComp.YCountCube / 2 ) * this.startNodeComp.cubeSize ) 
        pos.y -= (this.startNodeComp.cubeSize * otherComp.j) + (10 / 2) 
        if (otherComp.canteleport) {
            otherComp.canteleport = false

            if (this.differentPlace) {
                pos.y += this.startNodeComp.cubeSize

        pos =  new cc.Vec2((startGame._instance.xCountCube / 2 ) * startGame._instance.cubeSize, (startGame._instance.YCountCube / 2 ) * startGame._instance.cubeSize )
        pos.y -= (startGame._instance.cubeSize * otherComp.j) + 60
        pos.x -= startGame._instance.cubeSize * otherComp.i + startGame._instance.startPos.x

            cc.moveTo(1,pos ).easing(cc.easeElasticOut(1)),
            cc.callFunc(() => {
                gameManager._instance.nodesInActions = 0


What version of Cocos Creator are you using?