Preview: Explottens

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to give you a sneak preview of our upcoming game Explottens: The Time Is Meow.

The game is still in development and is scheduled to release in summer 2016.

Feedback please.


It feels like Final Fantasy in some ways.

It also seems very APAC oriented.

Dogfighting with cats. Love it!

What the heck is APAC? Asia-Pacific or a new game category? :wink:

Yes Asia Pacific :slight_smile:

Cool concept indeed. I got a chuckle out of that.

thanks guys!

This is great! Very eye-candy and fast-paced :smiley:

Which platforms is it targeting? It runs very smoothly for that amount of elements and effects. If that footage is from smartphones/tablets you made such a great optimization work there!

hey @iPruch

This game will be on smartphones, tablets and apple tv. The game works pretty smooth on iphone 4S as well.

I have not tested it on android phones yet.


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Game play looks swift and good, love the effects, its just top notch. love the animations and graphics concept. Wish you luck and success.

Nice Graphics :blush:
Game play looks very fast-paced thats cool. I would like to try the controlls and how it feels/plays.
Do you have planed some sort external testing?
