How to pass a value from java to cocos2d-x with JNI

Hi There! I want to pass a boolean value retrieved from a Preference Activity and send it to cocos2d with JNI. Is there anyone who can help me? Thanks!

What I have done before is to use SharedPreferences on the java side to save some preference values, then have a C*+ class to call a java method from cocos2d, so I first have this C*+ helper class:

#ifndef CommonHelper_h
#define CommonHelper_h

extern "C" {
    extern char* getTokenDevice();

#include "CommonHelper.h"
#include "platform/android/jni/JniHelper.h"

//set package name here
const char* kHelperPakageName = "com/mycompany/appname/CommonHelper";

using namespace cocos2d;

extern "C" {
    char* getTokenDevice()
        JniMethodInfo t;

        if (JniHelper::getStaticMethodInfo(t, kHelperPakageName, "getTokenDevice", "()Ljava/lang/String;")) {
            jstring str = (jstring)t.env->CallStaticObjectMethod(t.classID, t.methodID);
            return (char*)JniHelper::jstring2string(str).c_str();

        return "";

Then a java class:

package com.mycompany.appname;

import org.cocos2dx.lib.Cocos2dxActivity;

import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;

public class CommonHelper 
    public static String getTokenDevice() 
        SharedPreferences sharedPrefs = Cocos2dxActivity.getContext().getSharedPreferences("com.mycompany.appname", Activity.MODE_PRIVATE);     
        return sharedPrefs.getString("token", "");

So somewhere on your java code you can use the SharedPreferences object to set the value.

You probably could have a more generic function to pass a key you could use to the SharedPreferences (on my case I was getting the device unique toked ID from the push notification system).

I’m trying to solve the problem but I have not a great experience with JNI so, if there is someone who has already created a live wallpaper with cocos2d-x and was able to combine the Java Preference with the C + + code by JNI, it would be very helpful! Thanks

In my case I’m implementing an Android Live Wallpaper and I have to send a boolean value from the Engine Class when the Shared Preference are changed by the onSharedPreferenceChanged method calling my own native c*+ method. I’m not a big expert programmer so I don’t now what I have to do in the native method to get the value and use it in my scene.
Here is some pieces of my code…
in the Engine Java class
public void onSharedPreferenceChanged {
boolean bsqIsVisible = mPrefs.getBoolean;
//this is the native method that pass a boolean value to the c*+ code by JNI


then the JniPreferences.cpp
#include "JniPreferences.h" 

using namespace cocos2d;

extern "C" 
     void Java_com_sandro_lwptest_MyWallpaperService_setBsqVisibility(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jboolean myBool){

       //What I have to do?

So, What I have to do in the JniPreferences.cpp?

Please Help me. Thanks!

extern "C" 
     void Java_com_sandro_lwptest_MyWallpaperService_setBsqVisibility(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jboolean myBool){
          bool response = ( bool ) myBool;

          // response is now the boolean sent by JNI.
          // You can also do this for jint to int.
          // However, for jstring to const char *, you need to use JNIEnv::GetStringUTFChars()


Ok Lance! It’s a logic step to catch the value but my problem is to pass the value to another class(ex. Preferences.cpp) that stores all the preference values. I have tried to create a class but I’m doing something wrong. Honestly I’m very new to c++ and programming in general so, I’m sorry!



#include "cocos2d.h"

using namespace cocos2d;

class Preferences
    static bool blueSquareVisibility;
    static void setBlueSquareVisibility(bool isVisible);
    static bool getBlueSquareVisibility();
#endif  /* PREFERENCES_H_ */


#include "Preferences.h"

using namespace cocos2d;

bool blueSquareVisibility = true;

void Preferences::setBlueSquareVisibility(bool isVisible)
    blueSquareVisibility = isVisible;

bool Preferences::getBlueSquareVisibility()
    return blueSquareVisibility;

and JniPreferences.cpp

 #include "JniPreferences.h"
#include "Preferences.h"

using namespace cocos2d;

extern "C"
    void Java_com_sandro_lwptest_MyWallpaperService_setBsqVisibility(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jboolean myBool) {

        bool responce = (bool) myBool;


The problem is with the blueSquareVisibility field that is undefined! I’m making a stupid mistake…

What is wrong? Is there a different solution?


You can use for that [[EasyNDK]]

It could be a solution but in my case the main problem is to store the given value from java to a c++ class. I’m having problems with blueSquareVisibility variable in the Preferences.cpp class. The error is - undefined reference to ‘Preferences::blueSquareVisibility’.

Hi Guys, I have solved the problem! :slight_smile: Simply deleting the blueSquareVisibility varible declaration in the Preferences.h and declaring it only in the Preferences.cpp.
Now all works well! :wink: