Possible bug creating a new project with Cocos Creator

Hello, I’ve downloaded the new version of coco creator but when I try to create a new project I have the message “Invalid project path, can only contains alphanumeric characters…”

I guess is because my mac username name have a dot in the middle and the path is /Users/my.username/cocos2dx/NewTestProject

Have you guys notice this, or maybe is just me :frowning:


Hi @aitorfernandez,

for me it works fine under Windows 10. Do you use OSX?

Best regards,

Hello @PZsolt27, thanks for the reply, yep, was using OSX

it could be that your user name have fullstop in it. try making sure your project path from root only have alphanumeric characters.

Yep, I think that’s the bug, it does not allow use the “.” character in the username

I have the same problem as well as my user has a “.” in it. It’s really annoying :frowning: