Poll: What is important to document?

Hello Everyone,
I would like to gain a better understanding what are important items to have documented in an in-depth manner? This information would help direct the focus of future documentation efforts.

  • Setup and Installation (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, etcā€¦)
  • Editors and tools (Studio and any future tools :slight_smile: )
  • More content for developing (more on Sprite, Physics. 3D, whateverā€¦)
  • Advanced concepts (engine under-pinnings, OpenGL, etcā€¦)
  • A better documented CPP-Tests and why things in it work

0 voters

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IMHO the more important thing is to provide a consistent documentation.

Try to remove old references and deprecated documentation.


One thing I would like to add here, since one can select only request doesnā€™t mean that others donā€™t hold much of importance. It is just that others may be less important but important nevertheless. For e.g. I also wanted to pick second point.

Iā€™d really like info about how the whole cross-platform build system works. Iā€™m trying to figure out how to regenerate project files and I have no idea where to look. It looks like the CMake system is involved, but changing CMakeLists doesnā€™t seem to do anything. Some people are mentioning create_project.py, but I donā€™t seem to have that file. A tutorial on adding new files to all projects at the same time would be really helpful!

We also need more Game Tutorials, linked from the main site. I understand that most of the features are in the Tests folders, however in order to attract freshers/newbies, full-game tutorials are the best.

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Yes, @slackmoehrle add a new category: ā€œGame Tutorialsā€ with developing simple games.

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Maybe you should add ā€œCompile projectā€ to ā€œSetup and Installation (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, etcā€¦)ā€
Because,some times compile project for android is terribleļ¼ļ¼

How to, and where to, edit target APIā€™s before compiling against Android. As I learned through trial and error two files NEED to be modified for this, and both files have a

# Do not modify this file ā€“ YOUR CHANGES WILL BE ERASED!

line in them. Namely in: proj.android\project.properties and \cocos2d\cocos\platform\android\java\project.properties. Adding ā€“pa android-18 flag seemed useless to me as these project.properties files were not modified. Can these files and the target API levels be adjusted with a single modification in an ant.properties file? As it is suggested actually in those project.properties files:

# To customize properties used by the Ant build system edit
# ā€œant.propertiesā€, and override values to adapt the script to your
# project structure.)

Some more clarification on how to edit these files (or how to avoid editing these files) and how the --pa android-xx flag works (and doesnā€™t work) would be great. Plus how does this flag work with the additional --android-studio flag; where to add the setting to modify proj.android-studioā€™s parameters in its \app subdirectory to adjust its build.gradle and proj.properties files for the appropriate target APIā€™s?

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How many developers are on the forum? Thousands? And only 63 votes?

Whatā€™s the problem? Lack of interest? Shy guys?

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There are 25,000 registered users on these forums. I always secretly hope I will get 25,000 votesā€¦

So many people treat the forum like a customer helpdesk :disappointed:

If the documentation is improved, there will be even fewer active users :grimacing:

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well maybe a lack of hope.

I love cocos2d-x and i am still learning from whatever resource i can, but things have been like this for far too long.

I know this is a about the documentation but erā€¦ I am looking forward to seeing a better lead and organisation over all.
Everything is scattered and most is trash from older versions, zero consistency, things change instead of stabilizing.

github issues reaches 800 (not all bugs but stillā€¦) I think whats already in the engine should work properly than get new features every now and then.

this is sad

My appeal to cocos2d-x dev team:

Better centralized organisation, clean deprecated features & docs, simplify website, enforce better coding standards

Stabilize the api and bugfixes

sorry for the rant but i would like to quit switching to unity
And yet even with the above , thank you for providing it in the first place

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So merely 0.252 percentā€¦ Wowā€¦
You need to offer sweets for participation :wink:

Yeah, thatā€™s very unfortunate.
The important threads about documentation, polls and tech talk have a very low view count and participation.
It just seem there is a higher interest in using the engine, than in discussing various things about it.

as long as the cocos2d engineers spend time on answering forum posts this will happen, i think they should concentrate only on the github issues.

Also if you want to cheat your way, just add cocos 3.10 in the title or some other future version and you gonna get few thousands views :smiley: lol

Regarding the poll, if I could I would have voted on all of them, meaning it would be great to see improvements on all those areas. However most importantly having a more descriptive API reference, especially about the core/base concepts of the engine, would have the power to really propel developers on their way of learning this framework. It would be I think relatively easy to do so for someone who understands the engine.

The API reference should point out which are the deprecated modules and functions (like DrawPrimitives or selectors in Scheduler) and emphasize the freshest methodologies.

The wiki/tutorial segment really needs a rework in certain areas. Scheduler is for example one of the most important concepts and what is being described there doesnā€™t reflect it, it just compares it to a deprecated feature and references one function of the API. Threading doesnā€™t inform anyone what the pitfalls of communicating with the Cocos ui thread are or what the threading model is based around. Asset manager makes no mention of CSLoader, neither does the API reference, which makes a trivial and essential task hard to be acquainted with. HOW TO USE CCLOG is advocating the usage of a deprecated functionality as does many other sections.

When Iā€™ll be more familiar with the framework Iā€™d like to actually help with these too but that will take time.

Furthermore there are a LOT of wrongly written English words and statements undermining the integrity of the Docs that must have been in existence for years, why these are ignored is a mystery to me.

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That is not a bad thing,as long as it is community not the moderators do the solving.

A few things. We are re-organizing the docs at this time. I am in charge of that and I am making a unified docs system that is going to be deployed in stages soon. This will include Cocos, Cocos Creator, Studio, Wiki, PG, API ref.

I made a GitHub issue for your feedback: https://github.com/chukong/programmers-guide/issues/160

For CCLOG, I covered modern ways in the latest draft version of the Programmers Guide, that is not yet deployed to production: http://slackmoehrle.github.io/index.html

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Editor and tools, because thereā€™s nothing about them. You have to google this forum and stackoverflow to any pieces of informations (+ luckily tutorials from sonarsystems). Also you should remove completely or add a visible warning on the beginning of every outdated post in your documentation. Also in docs, many methods and classes needs explanation of their purpose. Also simple examples of use would be perfect.
For me Iā€™d love to read about advanced consepts :slight_smile:

Iā€™d follow @MatrixAndrew / @deviantmk and would vote for improved docs and API stability!

Improved docs: The official cocos2dx page is full of outdated docs, misleading information and overall not really user/beginner friendly. A well structured documentation is the foundation for everyone to build upon! Let me browse concise examples, search the docs about keywords/topics, describe best practices and donā€™t spread outdated informations!

API stability: Maybe itā€™s only my impression but it seems that cocos is adding new features / products faster than light but the quality is ā€¦ uhm ā€¦ not always as good as it could be. Donā€™t get me wrong! Iā€™m really impressed and grateful for everyone contributing to such a amazing engine! But the sheer amount of open issues on github? Warnings poppin up in xcode? Itā€™s a bit frightening. Or that the online API docs & c++ version constant wasnā€™t updated with the v3.9 release? Step off the gas pedal for a brief moment, donā€™t rush every new feature and ensure that cocos2d-x is a) rock solid, b) easy to use and c) includes every feature a game-dev could dream of :smile:

Thank you