Poll: Do you use tutorials by Sonar Systems?


Oh cool :smile:

Check this outā€¦ some nice stuffs :smiley:

Yeah sure(for art stuffs) :smile:

I donā€™t quite understand why you have sent me these links?

Do you want to make cocos creator tutorials on youtube channel?

Are you asking if I want to or if I will?


You told that you were in the process of making tic tac toe tutorial. So, just for fun or giving ideas of what we can do with simple tic tac toe. Also, just for the motivation of other people that itā€™s not idea but the overall experience from a game which matters the most. These tic tac toe games have so many downloads which is why I wanted to share them.

No particular reasons otherwise. :stuck_out_tongue:

lol. yeah that was confusing :smiley:

I watched some videos, some were very helpful, but Iā€™m a reader, :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well :smile:
-Will you do?

Sonar system is one good reliable source for stuff related to cocos2dx

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:smiley: Thank you :smiley:

OK cool :smiley:

We are working on a feature for Sonarlearning.co.uk which will allow users to create their own written tutorials.

We will be.


Thank you for the tutorials for Cocos2dx. very much appreciationā€¦But do you think, it would be possible to create a tutorials for Cocos Creator for us newbies into javascript? Thanks and God Blessā€¦



Thank you @SonarSystems . your videos are to the point and updated one . keep it up buddy !!

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Was very helpfull when I was begginer, know I need more professional videos / tutorials

I like ctrl+F, and video tutorials donā€™t have it. I donā€™t like waisting time and watching whole video for finding one detail that I need. But anyway, these videos helped me at some point. Thanks.

Will do and thank you for your kind words.

We are planning on making video tutorials for Cocos Creator.

Noted :smiley: :smiley:

I agree, we are looking into bring written tutorials as well.