Poll: Do you use tutorials by Sonar Systems?

Tell us how frequently you use the tutorials put out by Sonar Systems.


  • 1 time a week
  • 2-3 times a week
  • 5+ times a week
  • 1-2 times each day
  • I keep their YouTube page open and handy.
  • I don’t use them.

0 voters

That tutorials are very helpful, of course when you want to find more information actually there’s not a lot out there or maybe most of the tutorials are for cocos2d-x version 2 :fearful:

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the tutorial are very good but i would like to see tutorials more deep with examples not so simples. But in general Sonar hat done excelent work.


True that, they offer quite help,but they are quite simple.


Sonar system tutorials are really good for beginners.

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I had to choose “I don’t use them” although I have looked at most of the cocos ones at one time or another .

While very useful cocos seems to change too quickly for anyone to keep up to date information!

I did use them when I was learning. Very helpful.

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It helped me when I started to study the cocos.
The biggest thing that they have done for me - helped me to not be afraid of this engine. @SonarSystems thank you for this!

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actually i’m learning cocos these days , and their videos are great for newbies like me. :blush:
i check their channel everyday.

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Sonar tutorials are be helpful and I’m using them to learn, and develop my first Cocos2d-x C++ game.

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There isn’t any option for me to pick!! :stuck_out_tongue:

I feel that their videos are more oriented towards beginners in cocos2d-x and -js.
So, I had used them for cocos2d-x around >1.5 yrs back and they were really appreciable

I think other tutorials related to cocos2d-x/JS that I’ve got on internet are also mostly beginners oriented and not intermediate or advanced users!

Only resources I’ve found useful after SonarSystems tutorials were sample cocosJS game code provided for -JS and these books for -x

  1. Learning Cocos2d-x Game Development by @siddharthshekar (for both cocos2d-x v2.x and 3.x)
  2. Cocos2d-X by Example Beginner’s Guide (for both cocos v2.x and v3.x)
  3. Also, Cocos2d-X Game Development Blueprints (but is only v2.x and was released when v3.x was already well adopted)

And in case, anyone is in a mood to create a tutorial for community and need a decent enough game art creator, let me know. I can contribute as these days I am creating some art stuffs for myself so can spare time. :smile:

Your welcome :smiley:

Feel free to ask any questions you may have.

Please do let us know once you have launched your game and we will download it

We are working on a tutorial series for creating Tic-Tac-Toe with stuff like achievements, going to be awesome.

Also we will be launching our royalty free platform in the next few weeks and would love for you to contribute art towards that.


Sure I will!! Thanks for your work! :slight_smile:

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Your welcome