my english is not good, im use google translate
i got error when add physics body to sprite in tilemap
my code
//2. menambahkan map tilemap
auto map = TMXTiledMap::create(“gfx/gameplay/level_1.tmx”);
auto layer = map->getLayer(“background”);
addChild(map, 0, 99); // with a tag of ‘99’
auto block_body = PhysicsBody::createBox(kucing->getContentSize(),PHYSICSBODY_MATERIAL_DEFAULT);

//uji coba
auto sprite_bawah = layer->getTileAt(Vec2(49,50));

my error
Exception thrown: read access violation.
cocos2d::Scene::getPhysicsWorld(…) returned nullptr.

The error says, that when the code tries to access the physics world, it gets a null pointer rather than a pointer to the physics engine to be used in the world.

I had a similar problem.

I solved it by calling “bool Scene::initWithPhysics()” in my scene’s init() before doing any physics stuff.

bool ArtilleryDuelScene::init()
	if ( !Scene::init() )	{
		return false;

	initWithPhysics(); //<--CALL BEFORE DOING PHYSICS TO INIT getPhysicsWorld()
	getPhysicsWorld()->setGravity(Vec2(0, -98));
	auto _ball = CreateSprite("red_ball.png");
	this->addChild(_ball, 1);
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