Only a cocos source code project can be opened in android studio

I did create a new project.

Xcode works, but android not works.

What’s this problem?

Don’t use precomiled for android project.

Don’t bother getting the answer. I asked many times and never got an answer :slight_smile: Just “don’t” without explanation. I’m using precompiled version and running it from console - it’s way faster compilation and project is lightweight.

Thanks for reply.
So, @piotrros you don’t use an Android Studio?

No, I don’t. I’d love to (debugging, multidex etc), but it’s unusable for now. Just look at @SonarSystems tutorial about Android Studio. You have to open 2 windows - for android code and second for c++ code. As far as I know you can only debug java code. And build is done by cocos console anyway (so no gradle). @slackmoehrle said that it’s possible to do these things, but I couldn’t find how to do that.

You can only debug Java at this time. This is an Android Studio limitation, not the engine.