Need help on using inversifyjs constructor injection. SyntaxError

Hello guys. I need to use inversifyjs for my game.
I got it working well with cocos 3.3.1
but when i try to use decorator in class constructor, i got error showing : SyntaxError: illegal character U+0040

it seems like the @ in constructor consider as illegal character.
is there any reference to configure the decorator to work in constructor parameter?

here is the example of code that cause the SyntaxError

class Katana {
    public hit() {
        return "cut!";

class Shuriken {
    public throw() {
        return "hit!";

class Ninja {
    private katana!: Katana;
    private shuriken!: Shuriken;

        @inject(Katana) katana: Katana,
        @inject(Shuriken) shuriken: Shuriken
    ) {
        this.katana = katana;
        this.shuriken = shuriken;

    public fight() { return this.katana.hit(); };
    public sneak() { return this.shuriken.throw(); };


and here is the example of workaround and using property injection instead of constructor injection

class Katana {
    public hit() {
        return "cut!";

class Shuriken {
    public throw() {
        return "hit!";

class Ninja {
    @inject(Katana) private katana!: Katana;
    @inject(Shuriken) private shuriken!: Shuriken;

    ) {


    public fight() { return this.katana.hit(); };
    public sneak() { return this.shuriken.throw(); };


please help me to solve this, i really want to use constructor injection.
Thank you guys :smiley:

I can ask engineering for their thoughts.

sure, thank you @slackmoehrle . Looking forward for this :grin:

Sorry, we don’t support inversify because we don’t support emitDecoratorMetadata.

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