Moving nodes along bezier curve with physics system(force)

I am using
from one right side
this.rigidBody.applyForceToCenter(new cc.Vec2(this.xForce, this.upBoost), true);

then from other side
this.rigidBody.applyForceToCenter(new cc.Vec2(-this.xForce, this.upBoost), true);

but first time from right to left it goes good, then on left side it goes upward instead of again going right? why is it? what is getting wrong.

Actually one node is on right and other left side will apply force to ball node. and i need to use collision and gravity as well.

whereas on the other side cocos actions like jumpto and bezier not good to use with collision? my understanding

What‘s you the version of Cocos Creator you are useing.
Can you give me a demo to confirm this problem.

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i am using cocos creator 2.0.5.

Because you are adding forces.not changing velocity. Right vector+left vector =up.

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