Memory usage constantly rising with CCLabelTTF::setString

With each call to setString the memory usage of my program rises, which eventually leads to the program crashing due to lack of memory.

The code of the scene I was testing this behavior is:

bool TestScene::init()
@ bool bRet = false;@
@ do @
@ {@
@ CC_BREAK_IF(! CCLayer::init());@
@ mTestLabel = CCLabelTTF::labelWithString(“Test String”, “Arial”, 24);@
@ mTestLabel~~>setPosition);@
@ mTestLabel~~>retain();@
@ schedule(schedule_selector(TestScene::update));@
@ bRet = true;@
@ } while (0);@
@ return bRet;@

void TestScene::draw()
@ CCLayer::draw();@
@ mTestLabel~~>draw;@
void TestScene::update(ccTime dt)
@ mTestLabel~~>setString(“Test String”);@

the version of cocos i’m running is cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.12.0

Changing the string is as expensive as creating a new CCLabelTTF. To obtain better performance use CCLabelAtlas

Thank you very much :slight_smile: