Line spacing problem after upgrade


I have a line spacing problem after upgrade to version 3.16. The 0.5 line spacing is missing. You may check the attached picture.

Do you know how to fix it? Thank you.

What version did you upgrade from?

From 3.10 to 3.16

It looks the problem is related to the OTF font like SourceHanSans-Normal.otf. You may download the font in the following URL free-fonts/Source/Source Han Sans/OTF at master · jenskutilek/free-fonts · GitHub. I attached my source code for your reference.

HelloWorldScene.cpp (3.6 KB)
AppDelegate.cpp (4.3 KB)

if you use a TTF font do you have this same problem?

I don’t see this problem on “Marker Felt.ttf”.

Seems like it is related to OTF specifically. Have you created a GitHub issue yet?

Has just reported as below:

Thank you for the reminder.

Github can not find this issue.
Please check your link.

it works for me.

Now it works for me too.