Let's talk about Cocos BCX a blockchain based gaming platform

Introducing Cocos-BCX!

Cocos-BCX is a decentralized gaming and digital assets development platform built upon the Cocos2d-x engine - one of the largest gaming developer community with 1.1 million developers.

The core components of Cocos-BCX include:

  1. A game engine serving as the software framework and virtual machine (run-time operating environment), supporting various blockchains.

  2. Visual and data-driven development environment created specifically for gaming use-cases.

  3. CocosChain - a public blockchain based on Graphene and architected specifically for games and high-performance applications.

We aim to build an open system where Cocos BCX supports all blockchains & development environments including our own. Learn more about Cocos-BCX on http://www.cocosbcx.io/en/

:video_game: Cocos-BCX Whitepaper

:video_game: FAQ - Coming soon, will share with the group when our FAQ is published.

:video_game: Details for our token sale are yet to be established. Our admins will never pm you for token sales, subscribe to our official social channels to stay safe and stay tuned.

Telegram Channels English Channel and Chinese Channel

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Read our first Medium Post

Discourse forums coming soon too!

That sounds good but what will be the things developer could gain using blockchain in their games?

Check out the whitepaper link!

Is there a demo and how to use the blockchain ?

We will have a public demo available soon.

Forums are now available to talk about Cocos-BCX: http://discussion.cocosbcx.io/

We have a lot of partners now: Check them out: https://medium.com/cocosbcx/cocos-bcx-partnership-roundup-meet-our-friends-e4df07372093

A blockchain based gaming platform is a very good initiative, as blockchain enthusiast myself I will say this is a nice development

We now have a Cocos-BCX category for discussion.

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