keyboardWillShow doesn't be called on android?

i want to move CCTextFieldTTF up when soft keyboard will show in CCIMEDelegate::keyboardWillShow, but i found it doesn’t be called on android,
it is only called by CCIMEDispatcher::dispatchKeyboardWillShow, but CCIMEDispatcher::dispatchKeyboardWillShow never be called.
does some one know about this, or is there any other way to know when and where the soft keyboard will show and the height of the soft keyboard on android ?

no one knows ?

change device orientation

i have change it’s orientation, but it’s not work

zj l wrote:

i want to move CCTextFieldTTF up when soft keyboard will show in CCIMEDelegate::keyboardWillShow, but i found it doesn’t be called on android,
it is only called by CCIMEDispatcher::dispatchKeyboardWillShow, but CCIMEDispatcher::dispatchKeyboardWillShow never be called.
does some one know about this, or is there any other way to know when and where the soft keyboard will show and the height of the soft keyboard on android ?

i hava same problem,do you fix it

zj l wrote:

i want to move CCTextFieldTTF up when soft keyboard will show in CCIMEDelegate::keyboardWillShow, but i found it doesn’t be called on android,
it is only called by CCIMEDispatcher::dispatchKeyboardWillShow, but CCIMEDispatcher::dispatchKeyboardWillShow never be called.
does some one know about this, or is there any other way to know when and where the soft keyboard will show and the height of the soft keyboard on android ?

i hava same problem,do you fix it

I encounter the same problem too.Any ideas?

I encounter the same problem too.Any ideas?

I know it has been some time since this post was started, but I am facing exactly the same problem, yet no answer I found on the Internet. Did anyone solve this issue?

when i look the TextInputTest in TestCpp project, it called the keyboardWillShow (show in logcat) but in mayCode its not called.

any idea about this?

edited: actually it’s not showing any log in TestCpp myBad

Has anybody fixed it?

The sam thing. How to fix this?

same with Text Input Test
TextField -> addEventListener([=](Ref* node, ui::TextField::EventType event){
if (event == ui::TextField::EventType::INSERT_TEXT){
// When Text inserted
}else if (event == ui::TextField::EventType::ATTACH_WITH_IME){
//when keyboard showed
}else if (event == ui::TextField::EventType::DETACH_WITH_IME){
// When Keyboard Hide
}else if (event == ui::TextField::EventType::DELETE_BACKWARD){
// When delete keyboard touched