It doesn't run on the simulator

It runs on the device.but It doesn’t run on the simulator.

error message : Users/xxx/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/xxxx-aadkbzwkvepclqexycrdeyztiyxn/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ is not a valid path to an executable file.

I did the arm64 configuration.

How can I run it in the simulator?

macOS Version : 13.1 (Build 22C65)
Xcode : 14.2 (21534) (Build 14C18)
cocos2d : 3.17.2

You must set for game project and cocos2d_libs, cocos2d iOs
Screenshot 2023-01-12 at 14.20.54

where do we set this ?