Isometric game - how to use depth sort algorithm?

I would like to create isometric game in Cocos Creator. The problem is that I dont know how to use depth sort algorithm with current api of cc.TiledMap. I found an article that says, that I must set custom attribute (cc_vertex) on each layer of TiledMap. Then on ground layer set its value to “-1000”, and on walls layer set its value to “automatic”. But it not works, because my animated player is not a part of map. He is manually placed between two layers of “ground” and “walls”.

My question is, how to turn on depth sort algorithm in that case? What should I do to make it work? Is it even possible in that scenario? Maybe I should do it in a different way?

I have the same problem and my workaround is not scalable, DrawOrder of Sprite added to Tilemap most information i could gather is in there, maybe you can figure out something I failed to see.


I’ve decided to try a basic approach using webgl vertexz to see if I could get it to work, but after using setVertexZ the Sprite doesn’t seem to have a _vertexZ value, when I adress node._vertexZ directly I get this in the console:

Sorry, cc.Node._vertexZ is removed.

I believe to have read something about deprecating vertexZ, but as far as I can see localZOrder doesn’t work inside a tiledLayer either.

What is one supposed to do? Has anyone solved this so far?

any help would be much appreciated since any workaround using multiple barrierlayers and switching around their localzorder and the playersprites localzorder respectively within the tiledmap itself does not fit my requirements.


I’ve found these tests

but in cocos creator both zorder and vertexz don’t seem to work, the console says that reorderChild is removed as well.

I couldn’t find any project files using the following tmx-maps included in the examples

would be awesome if someone could shed some light on the issue
