Is it possible to start from specific frame number with RepeatForever

I have 10 frames animation, When I stop animation at frame 5 I want to start animation from this 5th frame.

anyone know how to start from specific frame number to loop forever?

Code is like this;

auto frames = getAnimation("%04d.png", 10);
auto animation = Animation::createWithSpriteFrames(frames, 1.0f/ 30  );
runAction_ = sprite3->runAction(RepeatForever::create(Animate::create(animation)));

You can sub-class the Animate class and add what you need to it, or just create a new version of Animate that has that functionality (just copy the current Animate code and modify it).

@R101 Thank you. I though there may ready method to do this.
Then adding new paramater for Animate::create as resume from and modifying method logic will fix this issue.