Is it possible to reuse object files in multiple projects?

Hi everybody. I have noticed that each time I create a new project in the IDE, I have build all the objects files from scratch (I’m building for android), and it takes a lot of space (1GB+). I am using cocos2d-JS, and my cpp files do not change, thus their associated object files are the same for each project. Therefore, it seems like a waste to have duplicates of these object files for all my projects. Is there any way that I can share these object files between projects to avoid wasting space?

Right click your project in JS Project Explorer -> Build Path -> Use Link Source or Add Libraries -> add your object files.

I’m not sure what is the difference between Link Source and Add Libraries, but i’m using Link Source to add a common JS source file folder to share them between project.

Hope this help.

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Thanks Zinitter, this seems to be what I’m looking for.