Is Cocos2dx going to shut down

I just think that they have no choice, but they better should say - we stop active support of cocos2d-x c++ and working on creator and cocos-classic. Maybe we will fix some bugs, but it will be very rare and only critical bug.
Then - no questions after all. But check bugs section at github, there are many many bugs with 6+ month term not beed fixed. Just fact.

I’m just describing real life truth about cocos2d-x. And I don’t like Unity and really don’t want to use it.
I’m working with publishers and cocos2d-x is a scary option for them in terms of future fixes, support etc.
If Unity - no question, if other engine - a lot of questions.

you sound like a real cry baby right now, dont like cocos2d-x then just stop using it.

I want cocos2d-x to be as it was:

cocos2d-x is a multi-platform framework for building 2d games, interactive books, demos and other graphical applications. It is based on cocos2d-iphone, but instead of using Objective-C, it uses C++.

Actually I want it be more based on cocos2d-iphone, so targeting iOS mostly and then android, and using C++ only.

Why targeting mainly iPhone with only 30% of the market?

We are only a small team in Xiamen, China. Can not satisfy all needs from peoples. We are very sorry for this kind of inconvenience. I investigated and interviewed hundreds of developers, then concluded that only < 1% developers really need Canvas. So stop supporting it can help us focus on WebGL performance and make the render architecture more concise.

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