IOS Simulation build error

Hi guys.

Game development is hard work, but it’s really fun.

Ah, this is not important, but an error occurred while we were building IOS this time. I am attaching a screenshot

The version we are currently using is:

  • cocos : version 3.52
    -xcode: 13.2.1

In this environment, based on the simulator, this error does not occur on iPhone 13, but the same error occurs on iPhone 6 and 8. Hmm… Does anyone know what the problem is with this?

Has anyone had the same error as me? I’m having the same problem with the 3.5.2 example project on my current Mac. The same error that only occurs on iPhone 6Plus. If you check through the current simulation, it seems to work well in IOS 15.2, but an error occurs in 12.4.

Hi, this issue has been reproduced, but there is no solution yet. You can follow the progress of fixing this issue: [3.6.0 - 080521] Build ios project in xcode emulator for ios 12.4 devices, runs with a crash · Issue #12437 · cocos/cocos-engine · GitHub

Hi there, iOS simulator DO NOT support below 13.0; Please choose iOS simulator version above 13.0;