Ios arm64 Could not find or use auto-linked framework 'FBLPromises'

I am going to integrate sdkbox firebase to cocos2d-x lua iOS project
I did one by one step guides.
But when I build project, I am getting below error message
ios arm64 Could not find or use auto-linked framework 'FBLPromises'

XCode: 11.0
macOS Catalina Version 10.15.6
I added all framework including PromiseObjC.xcframework
Below is screenshot of Frameworks,Libraries, and Embedded Content of xCode project.

Please kindly help some advice
Thank you

Do you have some time for take a look my issue?

My XCode project -> Build Setting -> Architecture is only arm64
Build Active Architecture Only-> Yes
Valid Architecture-> arm64

My target devices are 64bit iPhone5s +
Sdkbox firebase is not support 64bit devices?

Thank you

The error is not FBLPromise, it is StoreKit which used by GoogleAppMeasurement.

as cybergate saied, plz add StoreKit.framework to your project

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