[IOS/Android] Cat in the woods

Hello everyone, I published game "cat in the woods " in the Google Play Store . and AppStore.
This game is a defense genre game in which cute animals fight against human beings.
Thank you.

Engine Version: cocos2d-x 3.15 + CocosStudio +SDKBox
Character Animation : Spine



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I :purple_heart: :blue_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: it!
And my :smile_cat: wants to say that he :sparkling_heart: it, too.

Although I would advise you to experiment with the icon. I would add a brighter frame.
In addition, you can add 1-2 glitters or replace the background of the icon. (Not sure about this, the current background is not bad, but it feels like there is not enough contrast.)

super cute characters!