Integration testing of your pull requests to Cocos2d-x

I apologize in advance if this is something extremely noob-ish and/or obvious to ask, but I’ve never done anything like this before and I feel like I’ve got to start somewhere.

I’ve done a pull request to Cocos2d-x 4.0 sometime ago and I noticed it failed some of the integration tests here:

It seems like fix for is (most likely) trivial, but if I’m to do this, it would be extremely convenient if I could run those tests on my own machine first, before submitting any pull requests.

I’d be grateful if someone could point me to some sort of detailed manual or, even better, a step by step guide on how to do such things.

I also got some questions:

  1. Am I the one expected to fix this if this pull request is to have a greater than zero chance of being merged into the branch? Or these things are reviewed and fixed by Cocos team?

  2. If that’s on me, how do I go about replicating the exact tests Cocos2d-x is running on my own machine? Is this tested on some sort of VMs? If so, are the images available for download and use?

  3. If I successfully fix and test the code, do I have to submit an entirely new pull request or making a new commit on my fork is enough?

Let’s ask @zhangxm how he wants this to happen.

@M4713 i think the error is because is not merged and generated a new release.

The author should fix the error. But he can ask for others’ help.

Did you use the source code? There is not VMs to test. You should set up the environments yourself. It is source codes, not prebuilt libs or apps.

I think you can use the same PR.

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I think it is not easy. Some tests have to be gone through different environments like operation systems’ types and versions.