In the U.S and use Cocos2d-x?


If you are in the U.S and are using Cocos2d-x, can you please PM me? Or reply inline if you want.


First! Do I count?

I think that you would count!

Can you please tell me where you are located?

Can you tell me what your experience is with cocos2d-x and c++?

What sorts of projects are you working on with cocos2d-x?

Portland, OR.

Learned/refreshed/still learning C++ specifically for use in Cocos. Started using Cocos 2.2.1, now using 3.3 including porting old projects. The open source aspect was the selling point as I can add features on my own without having to wait for the library developers to add the feature (a reason I stopped using Corona)

Mostly kids games. The top 4 apps at are made using Cocos.

I’m using cocos2d-js in the code ide if that matters.

I think that cocos2d-js could be bring far more game programmers to cocos2d-x as it is a skill that a lot of young programmers already have.

I have a game that is complete as far as basic game play but I am looking at adding IAP and social aspects.

This seems a lot harder to do from JS because there a lot of great libraries written with cocos2d-x in mind (soomla, nextpeer, etc.). I have been thinking about switching my game to c++, I have experience with most programming languages and use c# for work. Still, not sure if it would be better to try and use plugin-x instead.

What do you think?

@robotmonkey, wow C#, are you a Unity programmer?

I am in San Jose, CA. I used coco2d-x then moved to cocos2d-js. I have been developing many education apps using cocos2d engine.

@reyanthonyrenacia I have tried Unity3D and used c# with it, but only on a prototype. I use c# for building websites and Android apps using Xamirin in Visual Studio.

@emmyc What type of educational apps are you building? Are they for schools or online? I used to build educational apps using Director and Flash.

My apps cover wide range of topics. Reading, science, phonics, grammar, social studies, math, vocabulary, etc. I have covered ios/android/google chrome/facebook, etc different platforms.

Most of my apps are used in the classroom in schools, and some of them are used by speech therapists for their clients.

@RobotMonkey what kind of the apps do you do?

@emmyc With cocos2d I am working on a game. But in the past I worked for an educational think tank and developed biology software and then I had my own company where I created science apps for the department of defense dependents schools (high school level).

Oh yeah, and I created a hypercard app back in 1990 that taught music/midi for schools. But that did not make any money! :frowning:

Currently, I am a partner in a company called MyTourGuide where users can take self-guided tours on mobile phones. None of that uses cocos2d.

I’m from new york and using cocos2d-x because unity is damn expensive

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Fort Collins, CO

My experience with cocos2d-x started with 2.1.x while porting two games from cocos2d-iPhone, now with 3.x updating and adding features and moving more code toward c++11. Have also used cocos2d-js for prototypes and small games, testing each new major version. C++ experience is mostly early on learning how to code while reading books like Teach Yourself Game Programming in 21 Days, Tricks of the Game Programming Gurus and others. Some use in college for compilers, parallel, and vision, but now currently only for cocos2d-x. Otherwise use C#, Go, and Javascript for Unity games and web apps.

Interest in cocos2d-x was mostly for mobile games, but now we are releasing desktop versions for beta testing and have been looking into making a game or two built for console first, while keeping mobile and desktop in mind. For larger games I enjoy the compile time checks, IDE refactoring and jumping around c++ code easily. That said I’m interested in using cocos2d-JS in the future, possibly for the majority of game code as the engine, IDEs, and other tools improve.

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Pinned globally and didn’t even see this topic. :open_mouth:

I’m in usually in central Florida (when not travelling) and do mostly contract work for clients. Cocos2d-x is my go-to game engine due to it being cross-platform, open source and free.

I originally used Cocos2d when I started with the iPhone years ago, so Cocos Cross was an easy transition for me. I looked at many, many other game engines before committing to Cocos, including Godot, SDL, Love, Moai, Torque, Anarchy, Unity, Unreal, CryEngine, Marmalade, Phone Gap (and other similar frameworks), Haxe, Game Maker, and so on.

Most of them had one or more issues that I didn’t care for, such as being closed-source, overpriced (I’m looking at you Unity), immature, lack of community support, etc. The only thing that Cocos really lacks is Social/Payments/Advertising, but I’ve already ranted on that in another thread, and Soomla is available in the meantime. It could also use an Asset Store, but hey, I don’t want to be too demanding.

I’ve used Cocos for several projects from games to reference apps. I’m currently under contract to make a bunch of levels for a new game, but can’t discuss the details just yet. When it launches I will try to remember to update.

I’m sometimes available for new contract work, but I charge western programmer rates :smile:

I live in Los Angeles.

I’m using Cocos2D-X to work on a side project (game, classic jRPG).

I picked Cocos2D-X because I wanted to work in C++ and do something cross platform without having to write an entire renderer from scratch myself, and also for the compatibility with Tiled as I am using that to create my maps.

I previously had experience working on an iOS game in regular Cocos and wanted something cross platform as I’ve done a lot of cross platform development and porting work in the past and I like having that taken care of early on.

cool. thanks for replying.

@RobotMonkey My apps are on iOS, google play, amazon, chromebook stores,
My apps are mainly for schools to use.
here is my website: