I'll be Speaking at Droidcon SF about NDK and Cocos2d-x!

Hey all my cocos people!

I’m EXCITED to share that 'll be speaking at DroidCon SF on the Android NDK and Cocos2d-x!

The first half will mainly be about leveraging the power of the NDK, then going into how game engines (This is where Cocos2d-x comes in) work under the hood and show off some Java / C++ integration things!

If you didn’t know, DroidCon is basically only bested by Google I/O when it comes to Conference that focus on Android Development!

Super excited to do this talk and If you are around going to SF, definitely come check it out. I left the link for more info!

https://www.sf.droidcon.com/sessions-1 ~ November 19 & 20th!


Will there be any livestream or slideshare, where we (e.g. from Germany) can see your talk?

Very cool @mozartalouis. Reach out if you need anything. Pics if you take any.

I’m not sure, But I would expect they would at least record it