IAP android cocos creator error 6

Hi everyone, when trying to buy product , returned listener onFailure msg “error 6”

I use sdkbox IAP

        onSuccess : function (product) {

        onFailure : function (product, msg) {

        onCanceled : function (product) {

        onProductRequestSuccess : function (products) {
            //Returns you the data for all the iap products
            //You can get each item using following method
            for (var i = 0; i < products.length; i++) {
                // loop
        onProductRequestFailure : function (msg) {
            //When product refresh request fails.

sdkbox config

  "android": {
    "Facebook": {
      "debug": false
    "iap": {
      "items": {
        "pack1": {
          "id": "com.company.game.pack1"
      "key": "MIIBIjANBg........"
  "ios": {
    "Facebook": {
      "debug": true
    "iap": {
      "items": {

In google play console i create product by id “pack1”


03-11 14:07:33.442: D/IAP(982): creating Products list:
03-11 14:07:33.452: I/SDKBOX_CORE(982): Initialization request for plugin: 'com/sdkbox/plugin/SDKBoxIABBillingClient'
03-11 14:07:33.452: I/IAP(982): AndroidManifest has no store metadata. Defaulting to 'googleplay
03-11 14:07:33.452: D/SDKBoxIABBillingClient(982): BillingClient: Start connection...
03-11 14:07:34.132: D/SDKBoxIABBillingClient(982): onBillingSetupFinished: responseCode=0
03-11 14:07:34.132: D/IAP(982): Refreshing products: 'com.company.game.pack1'
03-11 14:07:34.462: D/IAP(982): creating Products list:
03-11 14:07:35.382: D/SDKBoxIABBillingClient(982): onSkuDetailsResponse:0
03-11 14:07:55.052: D/SDKBoxIABBillingClient(982): launchBillingFlow result code:0
03-11 14:07:55.162: W/BillingHelper(982): Got null intent!
03-11 14:07:55.172: W/ProxyBillingActivity(982): Got purchases updated result with resultCode 0 and billing's responseCode: 6
03-11 14:07:55.202: D/SDKBoxIABBillingClient(982): handlePurchaseResult:6


what plugin version do you use?


Google Drive service is down, is it related to saved games?


it looks like the error number is 6
BILLING_RESPONSE_RESULT_ERROR 6 Fatal error during the API action

i got same error in android how to resolve this issue please help me @yinjimmy @brane7