I having problems Sonar Cocos Helper with Android

Hi all. I following this video for admob;

But i getting error when i build project in eclipse.

You might have better luck if you ask this on the Sonar forums…


@slackmoehrle where is the sonar forums? i can’t find it.

I imagine this should get you started: http://www.sonarlearning.co.uk/questions.php

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@slackmoehrle thank you.

of course. Thank you for using our engine :smile:

Yes. Thank you for not using SDKBox, you really are very naughty and I think I will tell my Mam.

@IslandPlaya your comments are not productive to this thread. Please refrain from comments like this.

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yes… I agree with @slackmoehrle
These comments are not recommended in forums.

It’s completely upto developers what to use and what to not.
These comments are demoralizing for developers spent months for SDK Box.

Please try to help the community and believe in opensource.

cocos2d-x is one of the most powerful engine and enriching game experience irrespective of any selfish profit from the developers.

Everyone should respect that.

Happy Coding :smile:

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By the looks of it you haven’t correctly linked the Google Play Services library as shown in this video:

Can you confirm that you have correctly completed the steps from around 4:40 - 8:36 ?

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@IslandPlaya I using sonar cocos helper because i can’t find tutorial for the sdkbox & admob. Is there admob in sdkbox? I think, documents is very poor about this.

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@doubleg123 thanks all. i fixed this problem in sonar system forum. I think, i tried old version library. But i updated plugin on github page and haven’t problem now.

SDKBOX does not support AdMob at this time.

Well, the website does state what plugins are available

@slackmoehrle thanks. I hope AdMob will be added.

So I am a evangelist like you : ) I will create community for cocos2d-x in my country coming soon : ) First, I need to finish my several projects with cocos2d-x. I think, cocos2d-x very useful framework.

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If I can help you get started, please feel free to contact me. Also, I recommend using Discourse. It is pretty nice.


Discourse is cool just like the Cocos Community