How to write this on Cocos 2d-x v4. 0

Hello Guys, help me pls, how i cat write this on cocos v4.0?

__String *tempScore = __String::createWithFormat("%i", score )

Why the __?

You can use c/c++ strings just fine.

What are you using the string for? A Label?

Hi, I need a string in which I will pass the value of points earned, and then write this variable to the Label and display it on the screen

cpp-tests has many examples of this.

std::string _strCurrentScore = std::string("Score: ");
auto _currentScore = cocos2d::Label::createWithTTF(_strCurrentScore.c_str(),
         "fonts/Forest Thing.ttf", 64);

_currentScore->setColor(cocos2d::Color3B(238, 29, 83));
_layer->addChild(_currentScore, 2);

std::string tempScore = StringUtils::format(“Score : %d”, score);