How to use .csb file in Cocos2d-JS

I am going to import .csb file on my cocos2d-JS project
I used follow code for it

jsb.fileUtils.addSearchPath(“res”, true);
var mainScene = ccs.csLoader.createNode(MainScene_csb);

But now it doesn’t work

if you have very experiences in it, Pls help me
Best Regards

You can’t. Cocos-js use only json export. Strongly recomend remove unused functional from timelineParser-2.x.js cause creation of UI take much time. Or if you use only UI I can give you simplified parser.

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Bro I don’t have any code too for it, has only csb file
How can i change from csb to json export?

You create scene via cocos studio. In “Project”->“Project Settings” change csb to json and publish.