How to use cocos2d-x github code as cocos framework for cocos studio?

is this even possible?

I think this is a very basic question but I have not been able to find an answer in the docs.

How can I generate a custom framework and make cocos studio to use it?
I keep updating my source code from github and I would like to use this code (+ some modifications from my own fork) as cocos studio framework.

I have use the gen-libs command line I read on docs but had no luck … still it only recognizes an old 3.7 cocos framework version I installed.


did you find a solution ?

maybe replacing all files in the cocos/frameworks ?

I’m sorry I did not investigate further, so atm I don’t have a solution

I would like to know this as well. I’ve tried this so far:

  1. Deleting all the files in frameworks
  2. Putting the custom fork of cocos2d-x i built in there
  3. Rerunning
  4. Verifying all the paths in .bash_profile are correct

Cocos Studio is still not detecting it. I can however build/run with command line using the fork, so I know it’s valid.

Looks like all you need is a file called version in the root of your frameworks/cocos2d-x-3.9 folder with the version pasted in it.
Example contents of version file: cocos2d-x-3.9

Also, I needed to do the following:

  1. Copy templates and tools folders from a previous install of Cocos With Framework into the same location in Cocos Without Framework. Note: NOT the templates and tools folders inside the framework/cocos2d-x
  2. manually set paths in tools/cocos-console/bin/cocos2d.ini