How to use b2MotorJoint?

Any example in C++? It’s really completed for me to understand how I should use it.

I want to achieve this simulation as example:

Top left corner connection is what I’m trying to achieve, but I got problems and my body’s flying somewhere/

I think cpp-tests might have a close example

It’s not Box2D. Theme named as b2MotorJoint, so b2 it’s Box2D joint. Are you using Box2D?

Oh, you are right. This example uses our built in physics. Perhaps just ask on a Box2d Forum or use Rube to make what you want.

Ehhm, so like I should switch forum because you think no one here will help :frowning: ?

Well your question is Box2D related and I don’t know how many folks here use it. It could get answered quickly by someone, I’m just saying perhaps the forums dedicated to box2d might have a larger audience.

That forum looks desolate.

darn, ok, I know a few developers that might know. I’ll reach out.